Schedule of Amb andaura ambala cantt demu (74992) is given below. This train starts at Amb andaura and ends at Ambala cant jn. It takes total 7 hours over 0 days to complete this journey. The train only runs on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Arrival and departure information for each station is also given below along with the distance travelled by the train.

Train Number Train Name From To Arrival Time Departure Time Days Runs ON Train Type
74992 Amb andaura ambala cantt demu AADR UMB 13:05 06:00 0 1111111 PASSENGER

Amb andaura ambala cantt demu is a daily running passenger train. It travels in between Amb andaura railway station and Ambala cant jn. It operates with train numbers 74992 and 74992.

Station Code Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Day Distance
AADR Amb andaura 00:00 06:00 0 0
CHTL Churaru takrala 06:10 06:11 0 11
UHL Una himachal 06:34 06:35 0 27
MTPR Raimahtpur 06:48 06:49 0 37
NNGL Nayanangal 06:57 06:58 0 40
NLDM Nangal dam 07:10 07:25 0 43
ANSB Anandpur sahib 07:42 07:43 0 64
KART Kiratpur sahib 07:51 07:52 0 72
BARJ Bharatgarh 08:04 08:06 0 81
GANL Ghanauli 08:15 08:17 0 90
RPAR Rupnagar 08:26 08:28 0 99
MNPR Minapur 09:04 09:06 0 107
KRLI Kurali 09:15 09:17 0 116
MRND Morinda 09:23 09:25 0 124
KARR Kharar 10:05 10:07 0 140
SASN Sahibzada asngr 10:19 10:21 0 157
CDG Chandigarh 10:45 12:12 0 168
GHG Ghagghar 12:19 12:21 0 185
DHPR Dappar 12:29 12:31 0 201
LLU Lalru 12:35 12:37 0 208
DKT Dhulkot 12:49 12:51 0 223
UMB Ambala cant jn 13:05 00:00 0 235

The overall distance covered by Amb andaura ambala cantt demu is 235 km. The average running speed of the train is about 33.571428571429 km/hour and the average time taken by the train to complete the journey is about 7 hours. Train 74992 Amb andaura ambala cantt demu runs from Amb andaura to Ambala cant jn and train 74992 Amb andaura ambala cantt demu heads in the opposite direction. As per its time schedule, train 74992 Amb andaura ambala cantt demu departs from Amb andaura at 06:00 hours and reaches Ambala cant jn station at 13:05 hours on day 0 of journey. On the other side, train 74992 departs from Ambala cant jn station at 06:00 and reaches Amb andaura at 13:05 on day 0 of the journey.
The prominent stoppages took by the express are at Ambala Cant Jn, Chandigarh, Nangal Dam, Anandpur Sahib, Rupnagar.

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