Schedule of Kacheguda raichur demu (77693) is given below. This train starts at Kacheguda and ends at Raichur. It takes total 6 hours over 0 days to complete this journey. The train only runs on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Arrival and departure information for each station is also given below along with the distance travelled by the train.

Train Number Train Name From To Arrival Time Departure Time Days Runs ON Train Type
77693 Kacheguda raichur demu KCG RC 12:25 06:25 0 1011111 PASSENGER

Kacheguda raichur demu is a weekly running passenger train. It travels in between Kacheguda railway station and Raichur. It operates with train numbers 77693 and 77693.

Station Code Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Day Distance
KCG Kacheguda 00:00 06:25 0 0
FM Kcg falaknuma 06:39 06:40 0 7
UR Umdanagar 06:59 07:00 0 20
TMX Timmapur 07:14 07:15 0 36
SHNR Shadnagar 07:29 07:30 0 51
BABR Balanagar 07:44 07:45 0 65
GLY Gollapally 07:57 07:58 0 80
JCL Jadcherla 08:09 08:10 0 87
DTP Diviti palli 08:19 08:20 0 95
MBNR Mahbubnagar 09:00 09:10 0 105
MHBT Mahbub nagar town ha 09:14 09:15 0 108
MQN Manyamkonda 09:24 09:25 0 119
DKC Devarkadre 09:29 09:30 0 130
KQQ Kaukuntla 09:39 09:40 0 140
WPR Wanparti road 09:54 09:55 0 158
SRNR Sriramnagar 10:04 10:05 0 168
GWD Gadwal 10:40 10:45 0 180
PJPR Pjp road halt 11:03 11:04 0 195
PASR 11:20 11:21 0 207
CDBH 11:40 11:41 0 220
RC Raichur 12:25 00:00 0 237

The overall distance covered by Kacheguda raichur demu is 237 km. The average running speed of the train is about 39.5 km/hour and the average time taken by the train to complete the journey is about 6 hours. Train 77693 Kacheguda raichur demu runs from Kacheguda to Raichur and train 77693 Kacheguda raichur demu heads in the opposite direction. As per its time schedule, train 77693 Kacheguda raichur demu departs from Kacheguda at 06:25 hours and reaches Raichur station at 12:25 hours on day 0 of journey. On the other side, train 77693 departs from Raichur station at 06:25 and reaches Kacheguda at 12:25 on day 0 of the journey.
The prominent stoppages took by the express are at Kacheguda, Kcg Falaknuma, Raichur, Mahbubnagar, Gadwal.

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