Schedule of Nagpur chindwara ng passenger (58833) is given below. This train starts at Nagpur (moti bagh) and ends at Chhindwara jn. It takes total 8 hours over 0 days to complete this journey. The train only runs on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Arrival and departure information for each station is also given below along with the distance travelled by the train.

Train Number Train Name From To Arrival Time Departure Time Days Runs ON Train Type
58833 Nagpur chindwara ng passenger MIB CWA 14:15 06:35 0 1111111 PASSENGER

Nagpur chindwara ng passenger is a daily running passenger train. It travels in between Nagpur (moti bagh) railway station and Chhindwara jn. It operates with train numbers 58833 and 58833.

Station Code Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Day Distance
MIB Nagpur (moti bagh) 00:00 06:35 0 0
NGPB Nagpur (se) 06:40 07:05 0 1
ITRN Itwari jn(ng) 07:20 07:25 0 5
KRDH Koradih 07:52 07:53 0 6
KPKD Khapri kheda 08:03 08:05 0 8
PQA Pipla halt 08:18 08:20 0 15
PSX Ptnsngi twn hlt 08:31 08:33 0 20
PTS Patansaongi 08:40 08:42 0 22
TKLB Takli bhansali 08:49 08:51 0 25
MGVK Malegaon vyenku 08:58 09:00 0 27
SONR Saoner jn 09:15 09:17 0 32
KLOD Kelod 09:36 09:37 0 42
SZH Saonga halt 09:51 09:52 0 49
PSK Paradsinga halt 09:59 10:00 0 52
LDE Lokdhikhera 10:10 10:12 0 57
BDHT Bardi halt 10:25 10:26 0 63
SASR Sausar 10:37 10:39 0 70
RMO Ramakona 10:53 10:55 0 75
DVH Devi halt 11:05 11:06 0 80
GELA Ghadela halt 11:13 11:14 0 83
BMC Bhimalgondi 11:26 11:28 0 87
MPML Mohapani mal 11:42 11:43 0 96
KFP Kukra khapa 12:13 12:15 0 101
ULA Umra nala 12:42 12:44 0 112
BRKH Bisapur kalan (halt) 12:56 12:57 0 119
LIG Linga 13:09 13:10 0 125
SKPR Sikarpur (halt) 13:17 13:18 0 127
CWA Chhindwara jn 14:15 00:00 0 137

The overall distance covered by Nagpur chindwara ng passenger is 137 km. The average running speed of the train is about 17.125 km/hour and the average time taken by the train to complete the journey is about 8 hours. Train 58833 Nagpur chindwara ng passenger runs from Nagpur (moti bagh) to Chhindwara jn and train 58833 Nagpur chindwara ng passenger heads in the opposite direction. As per its time schedule, train 58833 Nagpur chindwara ng passenger departs from Nagpur (moti bagh) at 06:35 hours and reaches Chhindwara jn station at 14:15 hours on day 0 of journey. On the other side, train 58833 departs from Chhindwara jn station at 06:35 and reaches Nagpur (moti bagh) at 14:15 on day 0 of the journey.
The prominent stoppages took by the express are at Chhindwara Jn, Nagpur (moti Bagh), Itwari Jn(ng), Nagpur (se), Saoner Jn.

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