Schedule of Pathankot baijnath paprola passenger (52469) is given below. This train starts at Pathankot and ends at Baijnathpaprola. It takes total 7 hours over 0 days to complete this journey. The train only runs on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Arrival and departure information for each station is also given below along with the distance travelled by the train.

Train Number Train Name From To Arrival Time Departure Time Days Runs ON Train Type
52469 Pathankot baijnath paprola passenger PTK BJPL 22:30 15:50 0 1111111 PASSENGER

Pathankot baijnath paprola passenger is a daily running passenger train. It travels in between Pathankot railway station and Baijnathpaprola. It operates with train numbers 52469 and 52469.

Station Code Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Day Distance
PTK Pathankot 00:00 15:50 0 0
DLSR Dalhogi road 16:07 16:09 0 15
NUPR Nurpur road 16:29 16:31 0 29
TLRA Talara 16:50 16:52 0 44
BLDL Balle-da-pir-larath 17:04 17:05 0 50
BRMR Bharmar 17:18 17:19 0 58
JWLS Jawanwala shahr 17:33 17:35 0 68
HRDR Harsar dehri 17:53 17:55 0 79
MGRP Megh raj pura 18:24 18:25 0 88
NGRS Nagrota suriyam 18:34 18:36 0 93
BRHL Baryal himachal 18:47 18:48 0 98
NDBT Nandpr bhatauli 18:54 18:55 0 101
GULR Guler 19:06 19:08 0 108
LNS Lunsu halt 19:19 19:20 0 114
TRPL Tripal halt 19:30 19:31 0 120
JMKR Jawlmukhi road 19:38 19:40 0 124
KPLR Koparlahar 19:56 19:58 0 135
KGRA Kangra 20:23 20:24 0 141
KGMR Kangra mandir 20:31 20:32 0 146
NGRT Nagrota 20:56 20:58 0 163
PRAR Paror 21:20 21:21 0 179
PLMX Palampur hmchl 21:37 21:39 0 191
PHRH Panch rukhi 21:53 21:54 0 200
BJPL Baijnathpaprola 22:30 00:00 0 212

The overall distance covered by Pathankot baijnath paprola passenger is 212 km. The average running speed of the train is about 30.285714285714 km/hour and the average time taken by the train to complete the journey is about 7 hours. Train 52469 Pathankot baijnath paprola passenger runs from Pathankot to Baijnathpaprola and train 52469 Pathankot baijnath paprola passenger heads in the opposite direction. As per its time schedule, train 52469 Pathankot baijnath paprola passenger departs from Pathankot at 15:50 hours and reaches Baijnathpaprola station at 22:30 hours on day 0 of journey. On the other side, train 52469 departs from Baijnathpaprola station at 15:50 and reaches Pathankot at 22:30 on day 0 of the journey.
The prominent stoppages took by the express are at Pathankot, Harsar Dehri, Jawlmukhi Road, Guler, Dalhogi Road.

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