Schedule of Jaynagar ranchi express (18606) is given below. This train starts at Jaynagar and ends at Ranchi. It takes total 15 hours over 1 days to complete this journey. The train only runs on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday. Arrival and departure information for each station is also given below along with the distance travelled by the train.

Train Number Train Name From To Arrival Time Departure Time Days Runs ON Train Type
18606 Jaynagar ranchi express JYG RNC 10:20 19:50 1 1001010 MAIL_EXP

Jaynagar ranchi express is a weekly running mail express train. It travels in between Jaynagar railway station and Ranchi. It operates with train numbers 18606 and 18606.

Station Code Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Day Distance
JYG Jaynagar 00:00 19:50 0 0
MBI Madhubani 20:35 20:37 0 31
DBG Darbhanga jn 21:30 21:35 0 68
SPJ Samastipur jn 22:40 22:45 0 105
BJU Barauni jn 23:40 23:59 0 156
KIUL Kiul jn 01:15 01:17 1 195
JAJ Jhajha 02:25 02:30 1 249
JSME Jasidih jn 03:02 03:04 1 293
DHN Dhanbad jn 05:53 05:58 1 439
BKSC Bokaro stl city 07:40 07:45 1 489
MURI Muri 08:58 09:00 1 564
RNC Ranchi 10:20 00:00 1 629

The overall distance covered by Jaynagar ranchi express is 629 km. The average running speed of the train is about 41.933333333333 km/hour and the average time taken by the train to complete the journey is about 15 hours. Train 18606 Jaynagar ranchi express runs from Jaynagar to Ranchi and train 18606 Jaynagar ranchi express heads in the opposite direction. As per its time schedule, train 18606 Jaynagar ranchi express departs from Jaynagar at 19:50 hours and reaches Ranchi station at 10:20 hours on day 1 of journey. On the other side, train 18606 departs from Ranchi station at 19:50 and reaches Jaynagar at 10:20 on day 1 of the journey.
The prominent stoppages took by the express are at Kiul Jn, Barauni Jn, Samastipur Jn, Jasidih Jn, Dhanbad Jn.

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